Finding the Balance with Loni and Christine
Loni and Christine are physician assistants (PA) with backgrounds in Emergency Medicine and Primary Care who currently work as professors in higher education. Loni, seeing the end of the wellness line in the ER, and Christine, trying to prevent it in the office, have joined forces in discussing the topics of disease prevention and what it means to be well. Far beyond the bounds of a medical office, we are passionate about improving health literacy and increasing awareness of the daily changes we can make to maximize the quality of our lives. Finding the balance between the "coulds," "shoulds," and "woulds" of life is a quest worth embarking on. We do not have all the answers, but life is about the journey, and we look forward to sharing ours with you.
Contact us at: loniandchristine@gmail.com
Finding the Balance with Loni and Christine
Episode 15: Optimal Team Practice
In this episode, we explore the concept of Optimal Team Practice (OTP) and its potential implications for healthcare delivery. OTP is a framework that advocates for a more collaborative approach within healthcare teams, focusing on increasing the autonomy of physician assistants (PAs) while maintaining strong interprofessional relationships. We'll discuss the core principles of OTP, the varying perspectives on its implementation, and the possible benefits and challenges it presents.
AAPA: Optimal Team Practice: https://www.aapa.org/advocacy-central/optimal-team-practice/
AMA Stop the Creep: https://www.ama-assn.org/practice-management/scope-practice/inside-ama-s-wide-ranging-fight-against-scope-creep
*A quick correction- When Christine talks about physician/patient ratios, the ratios are HIGH, not low. She meant a low number of physicians per patient population. She'll figure it out eventually.
Email us! loniandchristine@gmail.com
Hosted on: https://findingthebalancewithloniandchristine.buzzsprout.com